Legal Note
In compliance of the provisions of article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, Services of Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the identifying data of the holder are:
Company name:
Grass Group - is
Miguel Cordero Vidal - 28.315.174-N
Infante del Real, 6
21.200 - Aracena (Huelva) - Spain
Tel: 644042880
Company name hereinafter referred to as "Grass Group".
The goal of our data protection policy is to scrupulously respect the applicable legislation in matters of protection of data of a personal nature. Any communication regarding this matter should be addressed to the holder whose data are included in this legal notice.
The data collected through the contact form or email will only be used for the requested purpose and billing, and will only send communications related to the purpose for which they were supplied and, eventually, to warn of possible promotions of the products or services of the portal.
In no case these data will be transferred or shared with any company or organization outside.
Users guarantee and respond, in any case, the veracity and validity of the provided personal data.
Data file:
Code of registration in the General Registry of Data Protection: 2173340556.
Name of the responsible of the Data Treatment of Grass Group - Miguel Cordero Vidal.
Contact of the responsible of the Data Processing: C/. Infante del Real, 6 21.200 Aracena. Huelva. E-mail: c o n t a c t
Registration of treatment activities:
In the above-mentioned file CUSTOMERS AND/OR SUPPLIERS, provides for two types of processing of personal data, customers and Potential Customers:
Treatment: Clients.
Purpose of the processing: Management of the relationship with the customers.
Customers: People with whom it maintains a business relationship as clients.
Categories of personal data: Those required for the maintenance of the business relationship. Bill, sending advertisements through the post or by e-mail, after-sales service and customer loyalty.
Identification: Name and surname, TAX identification number, mailing address, phone numbers, e-mail.
Bank details: Grass Group - not get bank details of your customers, as the payments are made through other companies or services.
The categories of recipients to whom we may communicate the personal data: Tax Administration, or other public agency dependent of the General State Administration of Spain, request.
Deadlines for erasure of the different categories of data: personal data of customers, were eliminated as planned by the legislation of Spanish tax, during the corresponding period of regularization and the following four years. The data of customers of products that are within the safety regulations CE, may be conserved during 10 years, if they are necessary for the traceability of the product, or record of claims, in compliance with Directive 2009/48/EC.
Treatment: Potential customers.
Purpose of the processing: Management of the relationship with potential customers.
Potential customers: People that are meant to maintain a business relationship as clients.
Categories of personal data: Those required for the commercial promotion of the company.
Identification: Only e-mail. Occasionally, first name, last name, postal address, telephone, e-mail.
The categories of recipients to whom they communicated or will communicate the personal data: it is Not contemplated.
Deadlines for erasure of the different categories of data: personal data of potential customers, were removed approximately two years after their last confirmation of interest.
The purpose of the collection of personal data:
The purpose of the collection and treatment of personal data on the Grass Group - is in the first place, to perform the administrative documentation and legal, and to manage the delivery of information and prospecting information and commercial. With all of this to be able to offer the service of selling products, in accordance with the interests of the visitor or a customer. Grass Group - agree not to assign, sell, share, or communicate the personal data with third parties. The data will be collected only for the purposes specified, explicit and legitimate, and will not be treated further in a way incompatible with those purposes.
Conservation of personal data:
The personal data of customers, were eliminated as planned by the legislation of Spanish tax, during the corresponding period of regularization and the following four years.
The data of customers of products that are within the safety regulations CE, as well as products, may be conserved during 10 years, if they are necessary for the traceability of the product, or record of claims, in compliance with Directive 2009/48/EC.
The personal data of potential customers, were removed approximately two years after their last confirmation of interest.
Grass Group - will cancel or rectify the data when inaccurate, incomplete or have stopped being necessary or pertinent for their purpose.
Automated decisions:
Does not perform any type of automated decision or profiling.
The legal basis on which it is based the treatment, can be:
Authority for creation of legal documentation: To formalize a sale, it is necessary to the treatment of customer data for the creation of legal documentation, e.g. bill of sale, in which the data subject is party. Always indicates the product type of document, so that there is no ambiguity about what it refers to.
Legitimation by consent: The offer forward-looking products and communications, is based on the consent that is requested. Our policy regarding e-mail focuses on only send communications that the user has agreed to receive. If the user prefers not to receive these communications, we will offer through them the possibility of exercising your right of cancellation and renunciation of receiving these messages.
Grass Group - agree not to assign, sell, share, or communicate the personal data with third parties.
Details the rights of the persons concerned, in relation to the Data Protection officer, in accordance with the RGPD, and they are:
The right to request access to the personal data concerning the data subject.
The right to request for rectification or deletion.
Right to request limitation of his treatment.
The right to refuse the treatment.
The right to data portability.
The interested person can exercise these rights by contacting the Data Protection officer, by sending an e-mail to
Also, it informs the interested parties that they may file a complaint to the supervisory Authority in the field of Data Protection is competent, if he has not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of their rights, or the response of Grass Group - has been delayed more than a month:
Links to other websites and services:
The web Turf Group - contains links with the websites and payment services Redsys and PayPal, which have their own respective privacy policies. When the visitor leaves the web site Turf Group - is through links to other web services, the user will depend on the Privacy Policies of the respective sites visited.
The data of the visitors of the web saved by the Grass Group - is not shared with the aforementioned services.
Grass Group - is not to see or have access to the passwords of the user accounts of the web.
Grass Group - is not to see or have access to the banking data of the customer.
Google Inc. it is the company that owns YouTube, a web site hosting videos.
For more detailed information see:
Redsys is a company of payment for e-commerce with headquarters in C/ Francisco Sancha, 12, 28034 Madrid.
For more detailed information see:
PayPal (Europe) S. à.r.l. et Cie, S. C. A. (R. C. S. Luxembourg B 118 349) is a payment services provider, licensed as a credit institution in Luxembourg.
For more detailed information on the PayPal Privacy Policy see:
For more detailed information on the Privacy Policy of Braintree, see:
Customers and Users undertake to navigate the web portal and to use the content in good faith.
In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of Protection of Data of Personal Character, we inform you that by filling any form on Web Site or sending an e-mail to any of our mailboxes implies acceptance of this privacy policy, as well as the authorization to LAWN GROUP so that it treats the personal data that you provide to us, will be incorporated into the file owned TURF GROUP, registered in the General Register of the Spanish Agency of Data Protection.
The Customer data will be used for the sending via email of the sales you make GRASS GROUP and for the delivery of the purchases.
By simply visiting the Web, Users do not provide any personal information nor are obliged to do so. GRASS GROUP undertakes to keep the strictest confidentiality regarding the information that is provided and use it only for the purposes indicated.
GRASS GROUP presumes that the data have been introduced by its holder or by a person authorized by him, as well as that are correct and accurate.
Clients are responsible for updating their own data. At any time, the Customer shall have the right of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to all personal data including in the different forms of high. To modify or update your personal details the Customer must access to, in the section "My Account". To cancel your account, write an e-mail from the e-mail of your account to with the subject "Cancel account".
Therefore, the Customer is responsible for the accuracy of the data and GRASS GROUP will not be liable for the inaccuracy of the personal data of the Customers. According to the legislation in force regarding data protection, the GRASS GROUP has adopted the security levels appropriate to the data provided by Clients and, in addition, has installed all means and measures at its disposal to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and removal thereof.
Also, for legitimate reasons, the User or customer can object to the processing of data concerning him or her.
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The intellectual property rights of the web site, its design, navigation structure, source code with language codes such as HTML,PHP, Java, JavaScript, among others, its databases, animations, texts, as well as information and content are ownership of the GRASS GROUP, to whom corresponds the exclusive right of exploitation of the same.
It is not allowed the reproduction and/or publication, total or partial, of the content of the web site, nor is its computer treatment, its distribution, public communication, or modified without the express written permission of the owner. The user is only authorized to use the material that appears on the web site for your personal and private use, being absolutely forbidden to use for commercial purposes or for distribution, public communication, transformation or decompilation, including sending it by e-mail.
It is prohibited to transfer its contents in any manner or installation in any server connected directly or indirectly to a local network and/or internet, so that a third party may have access to such information.
Any infringement of the prohibitions and limitations set forth shall be considered infringement of the intellectual property rights of GRASS GROUP, and will be prosecuted by the latter through the exercise of administrative actions, civil or criminal, which in each case correspond.
Regarding the appointments of third party products and services, are recognized in favor of their respective holders the corresponding rights of industrial and intellectual property rights, without which their mere mention imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation of, or liability of the owner of the website.
The web site is hosted on the servers of the provider company web hosting: Nominalia Internet SL
This website was created using the open source solution PrestaShop™.
Information regarding online dispute resolution pursuant to Art. 14 Para. 1 of the ODR (Online Dispute Resolution Regulation):
The European Commission gives consumers the opportunity to resolve online disputes pursuant to Art. 14 Para. 1 of the ODR on one of their platforms. The platform ( serves as a site where consumers can try to reach out-of-court settlements of disputes arising from online purchases and contracts for services.